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Chandan Surabhi Das

West Bengal State University, India


Chandan Surabhi Das current position is Associate Professor in Geography at Barasat Government College of West Bengal State University where he has been teaching since 2014. He is currently the Officer in Charge of the Morning Section at Barasat Government College since 2018. In the past two decades, he has participated approximately thirty conferences and workshops. He has published 20 research articles in different international and national reputable journals. He has published 10 books in various fields in both English and Bengali. Among them are Global Warning (2009), Sharing Space (2012), Practical Geography (2018), Geospatial techniques and Research in Geography (2020) and Geography in History (2022). Since 2016, he has been a member of the editorial board of an International Journal (Sustainable Forestry). He has also been a reviewer for three International Journals (Springer, Cambridge University Press, Elsevier) for the last eight years.



Abstract : A framework for resilience in changing climate: Insights from Sundarban, India